Ken Treloar (MBA, BTech)
Author, AgTech advocate, and Drone Data Technologist

About my work
I support farmers using a toolbox of cutting-edge tech. With almost a decade of hands-on AgTech industry experience, paired with data-enabled detective work, I find the best ways to add value for clients, friends, and colleagues.
Leveraging the very best in AgTech solutions (with impressive lifetime ROI for clients) I get the most out of new-age digital solutions - and you can too!
Many of the key relationships I have with farmers, agronomists, consultants and production managers exists due to my ongoing work with an amazing South African company called, Aerobotics.
Our team supports farming operations all over the world with drone-based, cloud-based, and smartphone-based technologies powered by innovative best-in-class AI-backed analytics software solutions.
Growing up, my father was a superb teacher of the natural world. He was also an engineer. This meant I learnt a lot about nature and the planet. I also learnt about the built environment. How pieces fit together, and how they work.
Come to think of it, I was always curious about the way things worked. How they functioned. The moving parts that make up the whole. Where they added value, and how they were useful. How they solved problems, or entertained. Clever inventions in every shape or form (even those taken for granted by most). These would absolutely fascinate me.
I had frequent exposure to the farming world early on, with visits to family friends and their farms during each school holiday. Time well spent outdoors. Exploring, getting dirty, and learning in and with nature each day.
Milking sowing, harvesting, branding, tagging, tractors, and bumpy bakkie rides to the Co-op and back. Dawn till dusk. Animals, plants, the farm-hands, machinery, weather, water supplies, and the land.
A beautiful set of experiences, and one’s that have left an impression on me for life.
“These memories are reminders, and help me to appreciate what farmers do.”
Personally, I love to read, study and learn continuously.
I have developed a big focus on my clients’ needs, their farming goals, and their challenges. The role of a farmer is a noble calling; challenging even at the best of times.
Noble roles hold a lot of weight, and I have a massive amount of respect for our farmers. But most importantly, I really like to learn from them, to walk the land with them, and to explore new opportunities together for a better farming today, tomorrow, and beyond.
It’s about balance.
Working with nature and people.
Leveraging available technologies as best we can.
Identify the big issue/s first.
Plan well. But swiftly.
Accelerate into taking action.
Use the right tools and the right expertise for the job.
Have a clear focus on short, medium, and long-term goals.
Being advertisement-free means I have a creative outlet to be myself; free of corporate interests and self-censorship. No endorsements means I’m only recommending that which I know, trust, find interesting, or have worked with myself - at least enough to give it the nod.
I made the decision long ago, not to write for page views, for clicks, or for any of the vanity metrics that mainstream press and social influencers love to monitor.
My attention lies on delivering value.
Piquing interest, and as education for subscribers.
This focus keeps my writing honest and raw.
Thanks for reading along.
- Ken