Watch: How Unifrutti Leverages AI-Powered Technologies for Yield Insights
Have you seen how the Aerobotics TrueFruit suite delivers massive value with accurate crop yield insights?
The core TrueFruit product is split into two major sub-solutions.
In-field Fruit Sizing and Grading (AKA “TrueFruit Grade”)
Post-harvest Fruit Sizing and Grading (AKA “TrueFruit BinScan”)
“Grade” insights may include: fruit colour or blemish information or both - depending on the crop type.

The TrueFruit supported crops types - at time of writing:
Size + Grade + BinScan: Citrus, Apples
Size + Grade: Cherries, Blueberries, Grapes
Size only: Stone Fruit, Pomegranates, Avocados, Macadamias, Pears, Kiwi